Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Michael Tullis

Like Treasurer Oaks from Utah, I vigorously oppose the "proposal under consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that would allow for the creation and listing of a new type of company called a Natural Asset Company (NAC) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The proposal poses a significant risk to rural economies by creating a mechanism for public and private land to be permanently removed from productive use in the name of solving climate change." Isolated from the impacts themselves, the un-elected administrative state is taking power unto itself to make far-reaching decisions that will hurt rural communities. If we believe in representative government, these proposed laws are for the legislature to consider, who are accountable (in theory) to the people. "The proposed creation of Natural Asset Companies is one of the greatest threats to rural communities in the history of our country. Under the proposal, private interests, including foreign-controlled sovereign wealth funds, could use their capital to purchase or manage farmland, national and state parks, and other mineral-rich areas and stop essential economic activities like farming, grazing, and energy extraction. Recreating on Utah’s incredible natural lands could also face significant curtailment.” Quotes above are from