Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Brenda & Robert LaValley

After reading and hearing more about the proposed SEC rule change, we have many concerns regarding the substance of the rule and the implications it would have on the markets and private and public lands for our Country, as well as the overreach of that entity’s misplaced power. The SEC’s stated role is to protect investors and promote capital formation. This proposed rule change, if adopted, would act in direct opposition to the stated goals of the SEC. Who will be determining what “natural assets” will be involved/affected, and realize how it would become detrimental for anyone without enough financial backing to become “exempt”? The SEC’s proposed rule creating natural asset companies will not only upend the accepted standards of value by which businesses are judged, it would pave the way for ESG proponents to remake the American landscape and, we are also not in favor of the ESG push in any shape or form.