Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Joe Webb

I am writing to express my opposition to Proposed Rule SR-NYSE-2023-09, Approving the Listing of “Natural Asset Companies” (NAC’s) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). My first concern is that the attempt to approve this rule does not pass the smell test. It was basically tried to be put upon the American people in the middle of the night, with no consultation from Congress, a shortened public comment period, and that comment period was to be opened over the Christmas and New Years Holidays when people’s attention is on celebrating holidays. THAT IS NOT WHAT I CALL TRANSPARENCY. Secondly allowing NAC’s to purchase the proposed “rights” of “natural assets” would have a devastating economic impact on the future of mining, gas & oil exploration and agriculture not only in the area where I live in Southwest Wyoming, but across our entire state and the United States as a whole. This proposal is nothing more than another assault on our country by the Biden Administration to have total governmental control over 30 of percent of the land and water in the US by the year 2030, commonly known as Biden’s 30 by 30 plan. The 30 by 30 plan is the precursor of Biden Administrations 50 by 50 planned goal of having total governmental control over 50 percent of the land and water in the US by the year 2050. This land belongs to “We the People” not the US Security and Exchange Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior or The United States Government, it is called PUBLIC LAND for a reason and is meant for multiple use and the enjoyment of ALL PEOPLE. This land and its natural assets were NEVER INTENDED to by listed by or sold on the NYSE. Third, allowing NAC’s means foreign entities, including foreign governments can control of both public and private land in the US. What country or governmental arm thereof in their right mind would risk the safety and security of their country AND ITS RESIDENTS by allowing foreign countries and companies to control their land? Lastly, should NAC’s be allowed, the area that I live in, in Southwest Wyoming will become tied up by these NAC’s, destroy businesses, ranches and our way of life. I ask you to completely stop and abolish the listing of NAC’s on the NYSE. Joe Webb – Lyman, Wyoming.