Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Sharon Webb

I want to say that I am opposed to the rule of listing Natural Asset Companies on the New York Stock Exchange. Natural assets are what we as collective citizens have been given by God to use, protect and share. Companies who believe that it is their right to own such assets at the expense of others not having access to them are not in alliance with social common sense. Creating NACs to counterbalance pollution issues in other locations is like cutting off the hand when it is the foot that has infection. If the pollution problem is at the factory, that is where the solution needs to be developed, not in a location where there is no problem. I do believe that we need to be mindful of our natural resources at all times, but being mindful of them and taking care of them is different than locking them down to not be used in a proper manner. Please consider that selling our beautiful earth to the highest bidder when the seller has no right to do that is not beneficial to the USA as a whole. Do not let NAC’s control something that they do not own.