Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: A Citizen

This is a political agenda; taking commodities, resources, & AIR under the guise of benefitting everyone. The subjective opinions of a few will be "all she wrote." And you were trying to quickly steamroll this agenda through without the public knowing in order to avoid blowback until the State AG's forced your hand. And even though there is no concrete way to valuate AIR etc, behold: these organizations are going to use a new fake accounting scheme & self-regulate too. And then probably charge us for air. They're planning on letting God knows who wind up physically owning America; they don't care because to these types there are no borders, no America. And then they think force private land too? Private property is a red line. E V E R Y O N E objects. WE DO NOT CONSENT TO THESE AGENDAS. This feeds right into the 15-minute city agenda. Enablers in the bureaucracy at the SEC, they are just using you; you will not be spared from these agendas. We would however all welcome the agenda-pushers to donate their massive private acreage, lake- & oceanfront properties & water access rights immediately to be the beta testers. SEC, come join the majority: the American Public, & NEVER allow these narrow dictatorial special-interest NAC-type companies to ever be listed on an exchange. Use your authority for good. Otherwise, if partitioning off & breakup of lands is allowed, then any State's attempts to breakaway via ballot should also be quickly accepted.