Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: William A. Coates

Since IEG's reporting system is proprietary, there will be little or no opportunity to question the assumptions built into it. IEG will be in a position to define the size and value of resources in a subjective manner, and the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting can be changed by UN agencies without regard to national priorities or policies. This removes control from state and federal agencies, and from citizens. Since the UN is operating in consultation with the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization, I see this proposal as a way to eventually seize control of any and all physical assets of the planet. Then will we 'own nothing and be happy'? No, this will quickly lead to conflict between nations seeking advantage from whichever set of accounting rules favors them. The first thing to evaluate is the difference between the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting and the standard U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Practices. The differences are large, and people accustomed to the latter must not make assumptions about the former. A full compare-and-contrast study is required.