Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Lisa Ammons

To whom it may concern; I am very upset over the proposed "Natural Asset Company" filing. As an American who believes in FREEDOM, the notion that Wallstreet could catabolize our natural resources for profit and restrict the use of public and private land is absurd. The SEC’s proposed rule would allow for federal lands, including national parks and other publicly owned land, to be included in private investment portfolios, is just another ESG scam to sell carbon credit and control Americans. And to add insult to injury, the proposal would allow foreign investments in our uniquely US assets. All while we are currently working to deter our adversaries from buying land, so WHY would we open federal land up to investment from these same adversaries. Such an arrangements would provide multiple avenues for adversaries outside interests to end grazing on federal lands and conservation easements, as well as prohibiting oil and gas exploration during a time of increased tension and uncertainty in the Middle East. Please for the love of god stop this insanity. Lisa Ammons