Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Gary Britton

I hereby oppose SR-NYSE-2023-09 and the creation of Natural Asset Companies on the NYSE. These “assets and resources” belong to the American U.S. citizens and taxpayers. This proposed action allows unconstitutional restrictions to be put in place by the NAC and shareholders who will not answer to the American people and who will be granted authority to usurp U.S. property rights and other freedoms by virtue of this proposed rule change. It is an inexcusable tragedy and treachery to allow private interests, foreign entities, and foreign governments to control precious U.S. assets and allow them the authority to lock down our lands while denying the US citizen a decision or vote on how to use the resources on those lands whether it be minerals, forests, etc., for the betterment and security of our country. This is a totally unconscionable act by the NYSE to propose this rule. The SEC must oppose this rule change and disapprove it.