Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: William Jud

Treasurer Oaks: Biden Admin ‘Financializing Mother Nature’ with SEC Rule utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&bcid=ad83d620fc63c1d1583033137cd6565c93a62bd86add4d41bdfc07e067e26a70&recip=6026826 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is asking for comments on its proposed rule to list Natural Asset Companies (NACs) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). If approved, these will be corporations owning rights to ecological performance (i.e. natural assets) and license rights to minerals, water, or air from sovereign nations or private landowners. Sieg Heil! This is yet another of the ongoing assaults on private property and is not the legitimate business of the SEC. The proposal is nihilistic, communistic, theft, and of course will be managed poorly and destructively as the SCAM that it is. Do not let it happen. The people proposing such garbage are anti-humans trying to return everyone to the Stone Age. I suggest they join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement and lead by example.