Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Steve Moss

When the market started to change daily from 20 to 50 points per day, to 75 to 300 per day I knew it was a scam and have been slowly removing my monies out of it. Now, I see a new scam on the horizon and this one looks to be a slow depletion of our natural resources to the big corps and countries, that will buy up our nations natural resources all in the name of ESG. From your their website: "A company’s management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is often seen as integral to its long-term success." Hey, SEC and NYSE, don't you get it ,,, they will put you too, out to pasture when the control is in their hands. They will bite the hand that feeds them and create their own "Napoleon" pig trough. See book Animal Farm. P.S. And they will most likely say the advancement of High-frequency trading is creating too much carbon in the atmosphere. Regards, Steve Moss | b4USA