Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Anne Regnier Hansen

The United States' current NRCS and National Parks systems work extremely well. To introduce NAC into the NYSE is a short-sighted power grab. NAC is an insult to farmers, ranchers, loggers, miners and others who dedicate their lives to the health and well being to the citizens of the US and people throughout the world. As a fourth generation farmer in Colorado, with my daughter being 5th generation, we are horrified that a few wealthy people are able to change the basis to which we have established the entirety of our lives. The disgrace of this move is unparalleled. As hardworking US citizens and farmers, we ask you to stop all activity of the NAC. If you want to protect our land further, consider establishing more stringent boundaries for land development as well as voluntary conservation easements. Thank you.