Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Nyonne Perry

This comment is in opposition to the proposed NAC rule by the SEC. Only by direct manipulation can the trading of resources such as air, soil quality and basic earth elements be brought onto a marketed approach by exchangers who have no direct financial interest in the private lands up for review. In the State of Wyoming, air space is protected under private ownership by the landholder to a a height necessary for protection from fly over planes and robotic instruments. Underground pore space is also a legally protected entity for private citizen landholders. When the SEC trades corn, wheat or livestock, the purchaser does not need to have the commodity "in hand" to bid trading. How then, can the SEC require the private landowner to comply with standards for "sustainable practices" under this proposed rule. In addition, foreign entities will be allowed to participate in the trading process which fully goes in direct antithesis to every private landowner's right to best determine land use options. What a divisive way to gain control of our privately owned lands for the 30X30 or "America the Beautiful" government project. Please remove this proposal from consideration. Thank you.