Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Sara Koehler

I am dismayed to learn that the Federal Government of the United States thinks they have the right to sell off our National Parks and Public Lands, Natural Reserves, farm lands and private property to Wall Street, to be sold to the highest bidder. (Federal Register page 68,811 published 10-4-2023) Every member of the Government of the United States of America took an oath to 1. support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, 2. swear allegiance to the Constitution and 3. to perform their job well. Conniving to sell off the property owned by the citizens of our great country to our enemies, both foreign and domestic is a grievous departure from their oaths. The so-called "representatives" doing so are not representing the citizens of the United States, but rather what they can personally and corporately gain by their thievery.