Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: MeLisa Elijah

Please do not allow the creation of Natural Asset Company's. Besides violating our constitional rights they would allow "For Profit" companies to control our land. We already are fighting "For Profit"company's, like Summit Carbon Solutions, who is trying to take our land through eminent domain for a pipeline to nowhere. The pipeline would be extremely dangerous and would deplete our already low water sources here in the Midwest, since large amounts of water are needed for the pipeline compression process. The Co2 capture is a hoax. To remain a self sufficient nation our land needs Co2. The United States is supposed to be the "Land of the Free". I beg you to deny the creation of Natural Asset Company's. Allowing NAC's would take away our right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The whole concept of NACs has big money corruption written all over it. Do not allow these corrupt ideas to become reality. Thank you!