Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Megan J Jacob

No I am against this. SR-NYSE-2023-09 is wrong. I stand with all those who oppose this for all their reasons stated and more. Our land should not be traded, controlled let alone stock public or private lands at all. We have land rights. You have no right to backdoor ownership of people's or the nations public lands to ve controlled by corporations or non government offices. You do not have the right to claim our mineral, water rights or more. This is a backdoor land grab through conservative land trusts and more. No, just no. This is made up bull crap. We do not have public and private lands for you to make money off and control through you fake climate and green energy bull crap. This also seems to be in alliance with Bill gates, UN, world economic ecoterriosts who have agenda 2021, 2030, 2050 and 30x 30 agendas and more because you keep renaming them and want to take ownership of the USA through foreign one world government control. We have a constitution, we are a constitutional re public. For the people, we the people. So please stop.