Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Anna Adler

This is the most dangerous attack on private property rights ever recommended. Trying to get NACs listed as an asset class on the SEC shows just how far certain ideological groups will go to undermine private property rights and de-democratize our country. We the American people are disgusted and angry with being “used” by the liberal/socialist elites using our land for their social experiment. That’s all this is – “a social experiment” – We the American people are not interested. The NAC’s can also lease Federal land. THE BLM can approve a lease and – the farmer and we - the American public - will lose all use of that land. This whole NAC “scheme” is a Democracy killer. Of course, that is their intention. This socialist NAC scheme will transfer wealth from the poorest to the wealthiest. Ultimately, this plan will allow our enemies (China, Russia, Saudi and other countries) to buy land and extract our mineral resources. We keep getting farther and farther away from GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. First the SEC let Chinese companies list their companies without having to follow GAAP and now we have NAC’s which do not have to follow GAAP – why? Because they “made up” their own “fake “accounting principles to go along with their “fake” scheme. The SEC deliberately had a very short comment period so they could sneak this horrible – un-democratic program through. It was not until a letter from Congressman Harriet Hageman that a second window of comment was opened. NYSE is owned by the InterContinental Exchange (ICE). While NYSE does disclose its ownership interest in the NAC sponsor IEG and the exclusive license it holds to promote the listing of NACs on the NYSE, what the NYSE fails to mention is how will it manage this conflict. How can the NYSE be the fox, the chicken and the Hen house all at the same time? In the end it will eat itself - which is a good thing. History – We all know this idea of NAC’s began with Biden’s EO 14008 which is in coordination with the UN. EO 14008 began the systemic shut down of oil & gas and began our dependence on unreliable and intermittent energy. Solar & wind are supplemental – not primary base load sources. The EO and these NAC’s are designed to consolidate all US land under one entity and take away private ownership. Under this NAC plan if the land is “delisted” at any point in time, the land can be used by China or other unwanted countries to extract valuable minerals with no benefit to the American public. Meanwhile, the private property owners who sold conservation easements to the NAC expecting the resources to be conserved have been defrauded. NAC’s are nothing more than a social experiment by the liberal/socialist elites who have money to burn, to “steal” land from private citizens and the American middle class. There will be no productive use of land under this evil scheme. These groups couldn’t get what they wanted through ES & G so now they’re going to jump the legislation process and grab land through this social experiment and voodoo fake accounting by having this class of assets listed on the NYSE. This amendment would legitimize this fraudulent scheme. They are seeking legal cover. Well, they don’t deserve it and they can’t have it. The Commission must reject the NYSE’s proposed Rule SR-NYSE-2023-09.