Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Wyoming Agri-Women

To Whom it May Concern: These comments are in strong opposition to the proposed SEC “rules” on Natural Asset Companies. Unelected bureaucracies have no legal right to institute rules of this magnitude, which could decimate the American citizens right to own private land. The temptation of investment in tangible and intangible God given staples that are associated with ones own land possibly resulting in an arbitrary SEC employee deciding the landowner is misusing said land is ludicrous. This could conceivably lead to said assets being taken with the stoke of a pen or keyboard. And it IS Grand theft larceny! This maniacal scheme is fraught with bureaucratic overreach! The tentacles of this “rule” also provide the same unelected SEC employees to remove Federal, State and Tribal lands from historic productive uses which insure economic, cultural and traditional communities and livelihoods. This “rule” would absolutely be one of the most destructive abuses the Federal government has ever dreamed up. And just what exactly does the Securities and Exchange Commission know about land and natural resource use? The most likely outcome would be undermining of the Constitution of the United States. That of which is the most assuredly the underhanded objective of this flawed plan! The most dangerous consequence would be for foreign governments, entities and NGOs to invest in prime asset properties and ultimately end up possessing them. This pulls the rug out from under our precious sovereignty. The channels of changing the fabric of our livelihoods and land ownership NEVER should be left to these unelected tenured employees of the SEC or any other bureaucracy. It shouldn’t even be legislated on by the U.S. Congress as it is diametrically opposed to the Constitution of the United States! We say NO and demand you stand down on any and all schemes and proposed “rules”! Wyoming Agri-Women Linda Schiffer, President Jennie Bonham, Secretary Roberta Sankey Tiffany Greear