Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Bruce C. Desautels

The 30x30 ("America the Beautiful) plan is just as unconstitutional when implemented through the "back door" as it is if done going through the front door. We know that the control of public lands by private corporate entities, whether domestic or global, is but the initial act in a plan that eventually expands outward to take possession of all private land, depriving Americans of their constitutional right to own and develop real property as they see fit. The United Nations' Agenda 21 initiative - the globalist dream of the late Canadian oil billionaire, Maurice Strong - failed to satisfy its Marxist creators' plan to eliminate property rights; and thus came the machinations of Klaus Schwab, and his equally perverse World Economic Forum: "You will own nothing and be happy." And such is truly the end game in the latest iteration of this globalist tyranny: Natural Asset Companies (NAC). These schemes have their origin in the same ideology - the fanatical desire of elitists to establish total control over all people - and what better way to achieve such draconian ends than to deprive people of their natural right to own property. For this reason, I oppose the creation of NACs in any form.