Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Mike and Joyce Hazard

Jan 14, 2024 Mike and Joyce Hazard 2908 Broken Willow Circle Las Vegas, Nv 89117 United States Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20549 Subject: Natural Asset Companies (Release No. 34-98665; File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09) Dear Commissioners: We write to express our concerns relating to Natural Asset Companies (or “NACs”) and request You consider our opposition to this proposed ruling. The creation of an entirely new corporate taxonomy based on protecting public natural resources by placing them under the direction of NACs raises significant questions about asset valuation, investment risk, and corporate accountability. We believe that a comprehensive evaluation of the unique listing requirements relating to NACs is critical to safeguard the interests of potential investors and that the Commission has not sufficiently demonstrated that it has the capabilities to oversee appropriate disclosures around land and water stewardship. The proposed rule would allow for federal lands, including national parks and other publicly owned lands, to be included in private investment portfolios. The proposed rule also allows for NACs to have management authority over assets held in the portfolio, including our public lands. In the proposed rule, the SEC is creating a new incentive for non-government corporate control over our publicly shared lands. We are concerned that corporate involvement in the stewardship and control of our federal lands would create unintended consequences. The proposed rule could lead to a preservationist-only approach to federal land management instead of an “all-of-the-above” working lands approach as intended by the creation of our federal land programs. We are also alarmed by the SEC’s allowance under the proposed rule of foreign investment in these uniquely U.S. assets. At a time in which we are actively working to deter our adversaries, we should not be open our federal lands up to investment from the same adversaries. Our concerns illustrate the dangers to our National Sovereignty and are a threat to the property rights of US citizens. Therefore we adamantly oppose implementation of the proposed plan for Natural Asset Companies. Sincerely, Mike and Joyce Hazard Mike and Joyce Hazard