Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Tyler Daneman

I am writing to vehemently oppose the NYSE's proposal to list National Parks as "Natural Asset Companies" for public trading. This concept is not only deeply concerning but fundamentally flawed for several reasons: 1. **National Heritage at Stake**: National parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite are not mere commodities; they are treasures of national heritage and natural beauty. Their sale to private entities, especially foreign investors, undermines their intrinsic value and the legacy they represent for future American generations. 2. **Irreversible Environmental Impact**: Privatization poses a grave risk to the environmental integrity of these parks. Commercial interests can lead to exploitation, jeopardizing ecosystems and wildlife. The precedent set by the housing market, where entities like BlackStone have commodified basic living spaces, is a cautionary tale. National parks, once sold, cannot be reclaimed or restored to their natural state. The NYSE's proposal treats these irreplaceable lands as mere assets, ignoring their cultural, ecological, and historical significance. I urge the SEC to reject this proposal outright and preserve our national parks for public enjoyment and environmental conservation.