Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Adam Pastula

Stop the listing of Natural Asset Companies (NACs) on the NYSE to send a firm message to Wall Street that America's federal and state public lands are a sacred trust that are not for sale as an investment asset. Listen to 25 states and their Attorney Generals, including the Attorney General of Utah, home to Canyonlands and Zion National Park, who have sent the federal government a letter calling for an immediate termination of the proposal to trade public lands via NACs on the New York Stock Exchange. Recognize that hedge funds and investors must not be allowed to purchase, license or control America's sacred trust of public lands. We the people, must continue to manage and enjoy public lands for ecosystem protection, for wildlife habitat, for public use and recreation and where appropriate for carefully managed grazing and resource use. Control of our land and our country is our sacred right and duty as Americans. Further we recognize that control of public lands by Wall Street investors (that could include Chinese or Russian corporations) poses a grave risk to national security, and means that: American families could lose access to public lands or be required to pay punishing access fees for the privilege of hiking a trail, camping in a state forest or visiting a national park that is now owned by each and every American. Brutal fees of $50 to park at a mountain trailhead, $100 for a permit to watch Old Faithful erupt or $200 per night to camp in our national forests are real threats that must not be allowed. These lands belong to all Americans and must not be privatized or exploited to generate revenue for Wall Street investors. Therefore we call upon our President, our Congress and our Senate to take immediate action to stop listing of Natural Asset Companies on the New York Stock Exchange. Our public lands are not for sale. Yours Sincerely, Adam Pastula