Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Estella Copeland

Keep these ridiculous 'rights grabbing' idiots from having one single say about the land rights of our nation. They sit in dark rooms thinking of ways they can make rules that tie our hands and yet make no sense at all. We have some of the most stupid politicians who will vote for many very ignorant ideas. This is the forerunner to grabbing our lands by making it impossible to operate. And eventually keep us from producing food. How will we feed this nation if these people are in charge. That seems to be the idea, starving us out. Get this stopped NOW. The UN, Bill Gates,ClausShwaub etc. have way over stepped their control. We need red blooded Americans to take control and say NO more, our people say get out of our affairs and right now!!!! Your ideas stink. Good-bye