Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Sean Stephen Rittinger

I am writing today to oppose the allowance of the creation of Natural Asset Companies by the New York Stock Exchange. This far reaching type of company has no place in the United States of America. These companies propose to monetize natural processes conducted by nature and regulate them through unproven sciences such as global warming, carbon neutrality, and climate change. These processes belong to nature and the owners of the property they occur on and never can be accurately quantified due to the lack of understanding by man of these natural occurring processes like chlorophyll formation or carbon sequestration. I have actively farmed and participated in corporate agricultural my entire life. I am familiar with the difficulty and lack of scientific proof in the carbon exchange market alone. No one has yet proven how much carbon an acre of corn really sequesters scientifically. The variables are infinite and can not be quantified accurately. These process belong to nature and nature only and never should be monetized to a corporate stock trading company. I hope my brief comments will betaken into account and this ideal will be dismantled and barred from creation forever.