Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Ryan Olsson

Please vote no. I know you aren't going to take any of us seriously but for you to even have the audacity to charge us for "natural assets" is ABSURD! Who do you think you are?? God?? Please reconsider what you are entailing with this ridiculous proposal and throw it in the trash. Who in the world comes up with this nonsense?? Thank ya fo lettin me commen massa. You sure treat us all like slaves... debt slaves! Can't wait for you to tax our breath! We are the carbon you are all trying to rid the earth of. Most just haven't caught on yet. First the poison vaccines, stolen elections, chem trails, hacking into us and changing our neurons through our WBAN and now you want to put natural assets on the stock market and charge us to breath? Is this what stake holder capitalism looks like?? Demonic more like it!