Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Adam Z

I am writing to express my vehement opposition to the Proposed Rule Change aimed at amending the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies (NACs). Public lands, including national and state parks, are invaluable shared resources, owned collectively by everyone. Nature should not be treated as a mere asset but as a precious treasure that demands our utmost protection. The responsibility to safeguard our natural treasures rests squarely with the government, shielding them from potentially exploitative practices by private businesses. History reveals instances where entrusting such responsibility to corporate entities has resulted in adverse effects on safety, life expectancy, health, and the environment. If this proposed rule change is implemented, the consequences for both American citizens and nature would be devastating. Corporate investors, driven primarily by returns on investment, may not align with the well-being of public lands and citizens. Natural Asset Companies (NACs) could inadvertently establish a system that exploits the remaining public lands, leading to the degradation of nature and loss of biodiversity. Rather than pursuing this concerning proposal, the government should focus on strategies to curtail corporate pollution and protect our planet. In my view, it is crucial to learn from past mistakes and adopt policies that prioritize the preservation of our natural heritage over financial gains. I urge the government to reconsider this proposal and explore alternative approaches that genuinely prioritize environmental conservation and the well-being of current and future generations.