Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Sharon Argiro

The operation of "Natural Asset Companies" does not appear to be in the best interest of the American people. The formation and operation of these companies appears to be an attempt to by-pass the authorization of federal and state elected government officials in order to implement controversial ESG social policies and perhaps meet some goals of the United Nations and globalists--30x30 initiative and net zero agenda. But the goals of the American people to have adequate food, adequate energy, access to mined elements and adequate access to forest products would be jeopardized by allowing such Natural Asset Companies to operate in our country. The operation of these entities would take power from "we the people" and give it to the government and an elitist group who could then control the people and future generations through exercising control of the natural resources of the country rather than having such control in the hands of the people where it belongs. Therefore, the application for adoption of new listing standards to the stock exchange for these types of companies should be rejected by the SEC.