Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09

I became aware of this potential travesty in our editorial section of The Grand Junction Dailey Sentinel (1/07/2024) titled "Publicly traded corporations managing public lands?" Need I remind you... The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. On the face of the editorial, this seems like a dire warning. I think it is, a dire warning! Here in the rural west we are threatened by the possibility of an extraction industry, mining or drilling on our personal property (because we do not control the mineral rights under our own home)! Like corporations that own mineral rights, this proposal smacks of corporations owning the aesthetic value (rights) of public lands, i.e. National Parks. If, in fact, this is the proposal, REJECT it immediately!! Bill Brueggeman, (See my wife's comments below.) I think this is a horrendous idea, bordering on immoral. Our public servants do a good job of managing the lands now - if anything, our government should fully fund the National Parks Service, which has not been done in years. Private entities taking over public land would make the resources worse by the desire to profit, privatize, and extract and reducing pay for the caretakers. This is an awful idea. Regina Sowell