Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Matthew Sexton

Dear Sirs, Please do not create or allow Natural Asset Companies to be listed on the Exchange. America's public lands are our national treasure, and free access is one of the wonderful benefits citizens and foreign visitors enjoy. For people who cannot purchase and own their own land, for the poor rather than the wealthy, Federal public lands are a boon to our collective health and well-being because of the recreation they provide, and their other legal uses. NAC's will eventually limit access to these lands by and to elites - while denying the average person's use of our natural resources. The profit interests of NAC's will eventually foster a radical environmental agenda with a back door method and approach to implementing policy, to the average person's detriment, and the benefit of a few. We have a front door method of deciding what is in our national best interest, which is the Congress of the United States. Please let Congress make these decisions, and not special interest groups. Please consider the intent of those like Theodore Roosevelt who set these lands apart for Americans, and consider the injustice and oppression of barring average people from public use. Sincerely,