Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Daryle Bennett

I want to express my strong opposition over the proposed rule that would allow listing of Natural Asset Companies (NAC) on the NYSE. This is an alarming non-traditional investing tool that appears to allow the buying and selling of nebulous undefined 'rights' to specific private and public lands which also includes foreign nations and non-citizens, leading directly to the termination of all economic activity on those properties. Certain economic activities currently lawful on federal lands which private businesses depend on would be terminated, thereby likely destroying those businesses. The 'unique listing requirements' of the NYSE is also not defined in the rule. What is that? If the SEC claims oversight authority over these NACs, what exactly will the SEC do? In fact, the SEC has no right to confer any management authority over any federal lands in the U.S. This rule very much appears to be a mechanism which could easily give over national sovereignty of our federal lands to foreign interests and would further erode our national autonomy as well as livelihoods of private citizens. Foreign purchases of our private lands in the U.S. has already reached dangerous levels, threatening our national interests and sovereignty and should never have been allowed by Congress in the first place. Again, I stand opposed to this irresponsible proposed rule.