Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Free American

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Listen up, SEC: As you all undoubtedly know, this just the latest in a long, filthy line of (attempted or successful) thefts of Americans’ birthright, wealth, and freedoms by Rockefeller and his ilk (Rothschild, Morgan, the “Federal Reserve” central bank, Nixon, Bush…too many thieves and tyrants to list) over the last 160 years — most recently evident in the deliberate destruction of the middle class and unprecedented wealth transfer by those same demonic, murderous tools of Satan. DO NOT hand over control or ownership of public OR private lands to those bloodsucking leeches. Send every greedy, slimy, vampiric party seeking the creation of NACs a THUNDEROUS “GO FORNICATE YOURSELF” — in legal terms, naturally.