Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Anonymous

I am completely opposed to the proposed Natural Asset Company (NAC). This is a huge overstep which most likely will be detrimental to private land owners. Why would the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) be involved in anything like this? The SEC was originally created by Congress to ensure transparency & fair prices for traders in the market. The SEC is not suppose to be politically motivated but this certainly appears to be. This would violate the precepts of the Public Trust Doctrine by divesting government due process over public land management decisions to international, corporate special interests. This will affect local economies and will interfere with municipal, state and federal authorities with no meaningful alternative for accountability and transparency. Why would our country allow foreign countries to buy up our precious land? Not only buy our domestic private land but dictate what it may be used for. How easy would this be to bring the US to their knees economically? We must not allow NAC to be formed. We need to keep private property in the hands of our citizens who use it very well for our food, fuel, and other sensible and sustainable uses. Government cannot abdicate its responsibility to protect and steward public lands. Nor can it allow international corporate entities to usurp this function. Please end this unconstitutional idea NOW!!