Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Donald A Proctor

Internationalization,secularization, and financialization of public resource lands is vehement to everything about We the People, By the People, and For the People. It's difficult enough that our People's Congress (the House) seems to be highly susceptible to specialized interests but at least we have some hope of having our interests represented every 2 or 6 years. The People should rule the Public lands through Congress and the Executive should only carry out the commands of the Congress. The Executive has no right to place permanent injunctions on the use of public lands and no right to parlay them off for uses not authorized by Congress. Historical ways of life that utilize those lands (for production of food and resources and recreation in a responsible manner) should be preserved. Any environmental restrictions and oversight must continue to reside with Congress. If someone with capital wants to provide an enhanced franchise for food, resource production, or recreation , then let them apply to do so under the current system. What is holding them back if there is so much more that can be done? The proposal stinks like rotten fish.