Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: VIcky Baur

Climate issues are all a hoax. I do not consent to you making up another hoax to buy and sell God's creations. I don't care what the NYSE and their monopoly game say. If you are concerned get the planes dropping chemtrails out of our sky. Stop HARP from changing the weather. God is watching. God made all of these things so we could steward over them. We shouldn't even have to purchase our land especially at the insane prices that exist, but we have. So it is ours, the land and everything directly beneath and everything above up to the Heavens. If you want to be a better steward of the land and seas that God created, ground all private planes of the same demons trying to take over our land and charge us for air and natural process you can't even see or quanitify and do not own. God owns it. It is all of ours. These people should be put in insane asylums, but they won't be. God will vindicate his people. Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos. (Latin for "whoever's is the soil, it is theirs all the way to Heaven and all the way to Hell")[1] is a principle of property law, stating that property holders have rights not only to the plot of land itself, but also the air above and (in the broader formulation) the ground below. The principle is often referred to in its abbreviated form as the ad coelum doctrine. This insanity is demonic.Just stop.