Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: James R Nulle

The idea that "Natural Asset Companies" will be a asset to the people of the United States is insane. Limitations on mineral extraction will drive up the price of all forms of energy which will directly harm the poor people of our country and increase poverty nationwide and world wide as well since we are a net exporter of eatable commodities that rely on energy to be produced. Cheaper forms of energy directly lead to escaping poverty and vastly increasing health of the general population. And this idea will actually bring greater harm to the environment. There are no better stewards of land than farmers, ranchers, and outdoors men. They must take care of the land they work as it is their livelihood and/or sustenance. And it will mean that a few people get wealthier at the expense of many people. Stop this action now. It is patently destructive to the United States and its population.