Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Lee S Hedges

I am commenting to say that I oppose proposed rule SR-NYSE-2023-09. Natural assets should not be purchased and controlled by the government; especially when the “natural asset” being purchased/seized is simply privately owned grass grazing land or irrigated crops. It isn’t even defined yet as to what exactly will be determined to be a natural asset that will fall under this rule, but it can be guaranteed that it will affect the majority of my fellow Wyoming citizens and much of the western region of the US. This sort of rule is what led to mass starvation in Russia under Stalin in 1933. This sort of government overreach is what is continuing to plague the citizens in North Korea into mass starvation because they cannot utilize the natural assets of the land to feed themselves and flourish. Listen to history, privately owned freedom is the only way to run a civilization. Governments cannot seize control of natural assets and prevent citizens from utilizing them to feed America. Such rules have no place in our republic unless the government wants our republic to starve its way out of existence, or alternatively lead America into a war to overthrow a tyrannical government. You cannot say you are protecting the environment when all you are actually doing is restricting private owners from utilizing natural assets to feed themselves, their livestock, their families, and their community. That is why proposed rule SR-NYSE-2023-09 should never have been conceptualized in the first place and should now be struck down immediately. Do your job as a government entity and serve the people, don’t starve and control them.