I am writing to state my opposition to this Natural Asset Company concept. The proposal under consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to allow the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to list a new type of company called Natural Asset Companies (NACs) for public investment. NACs will buy the “ecosystem services” on private, federal, and state lands and will permanently lock out productive economic activity on the lands. The proposed creation of Natural Asset Companies is one of the greatest threats to rural communities in the history of our country. Under the proposal, private interests, including foreign-owned sovereign wealth funds, could use their capital to purchase or manage farmland, national and state parks, and other mineral-rich areas and stop essential economic activities like farming, grazing, and energy extraction. This will all interfere with our rights and responsibilities as citizens of these United States of America and I am opposed to this interference. I am urging the SEC to NOT allow the NYSE to list “Natural Asset Companies” or NACs, pursuant to File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09.