Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Teresa Shelton

As a Natural born citizen, I am commenting on the SR-NYSE-2023-09 Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies First, let me state in no uncertain terms the treasonous, malicious and down right criminality of even entertaining a preposterous notion as this. I am totally against this. It's bad enough that foreign actors are even allowed to buy our farm land let alone residential and commercial properties. Now you stooges want to sell off our natural resources to our enemies. You have all lost your minds and your greed will be your downfall. Here's a list of reasons why I am against this and against all those who are for it. 1. VIOLATION OF PROPERTY RIGHTS 2. NATIONAL SECURITY 3. LOSS OF USE OF PRODUCTION 4. LOSS OF CONTROL OF OUR DESTINY 5. AMERICA IS NOT FOR SALE 6. LOSS OF NATURAL RESOURCES SHUT THIS DOWN NOW!!!!!!!