Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09

It has come to my attention that certain Gov agency BLM is at it again trying to usurp unconstitutional powers that are givin to we the people as stated in the Constitution of our United States of America. we are a sovereign people and the property that resides here in the boundaries of the State of Wyoming. We the people shall be the sole decision makers over the use of our sacred land, WE RESIDE AND LIVE HERE IN THIS BEAUTIFUL STATE, NOT WASHINGTON DC UNELECTED BUREAUCRATES. We Have seen too many Democrats Left wing green earth nuts infiltrating our government at the highest levels. They want to impose their tyranny and we will not just sit by and watch our land be taken from us with out a fight in the courts of public discourse and the us courts of the land. we oppose the new proposed amendment to limit our ability to use this God give land for our pleasure and economic use as well, our citizens know how to take care of our State land better than a DC gov agency overseeing us like little children who need to be schooled.