Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Jessica H

America is or at least use to be know for home of the free. Slowly we are seeing our rights as American's be stripped away from us, farmers are seeing this at a drastic rate. As stewards of the land, we are being told by Washington and outsiders how to raise our crops, animals and care for the land. These individuals have not put in a full days work on the farm or had to live where their income comes from the land and animals. Having our rights taken away from us and no longer private ownership of the land will be detrimental to our nation. Allowing other countries such as China own U.S. soil is absurd. We are heading to the point to be enslaved by the government once again, and taking property rights is one step in that process. American's continue to complain about the cost of food, the more and more laws and government involvement, such as this proposed rule change will only add in further costs. These costs are taken by everyday Americans and the individuals that grow the food. Do NOT allow NAC to take over our lands and water.