Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Robin Berry

The IEG has only one person that 'may be' qualified to understand our 'nature' not one other person has any background or knowledge of earth science. NO, it is not reasonable nor logical to 'sell' off our natural resources to anyone. As caretakers of our own countries and our own lands no one but the property owner and local communities are best equipped to care for our resources. This company and groups like them are interested in controlling our people, not 'healing' our lands. They speak of 'sustainability' which is undefined; they talk about 'climate change' as though they have control over our Sun or our planet's rotation. Most are from a finance background or some other unaffiliated construct that has no experience or scientific training on environmental issues. If these people want to raise money on their own and venture to real areas of pollution or scarcity and correct it great, but NO they may not sell our land, our water, our farms, our parks or any other natural resource to a 'stockholder' who could become a 'decision maker' on any part of our world or nations.