Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: KT Schmaal

I am a member of American Agri-Women (AAW) and I completely oppose Natural Asset Companies (NAC) to be listed on the stock exchange. I don’t believe rich investors, elites, or foreign countries should have to ability to hold rights to American land, air, water and natural resources- including our National Parks. No one has a right to own these resources. These natural assets that belong to all of us would now belong to corporations run by so called environmental special interests. This proposal would possibly harm private land owners as well by requiring them to use the land in a “sustainable” way. This would hurt landowners financially, reduce natural land supplies, and other reliables that come from the land. “America The Great!” We need to keep it that way and prevent elite and foreign interest groups from being able to purchase America’s national properties, down to as ridiculous as it sounds, even the air we breathe. This sounds like an absolutely insane idea because it is. Americans would never agree to this nor vote for this. We pray you do the right thing for our country and for the American people. Best regards, KT Schmaal American Agri-Women Member