Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Lawrence E. Conway (Individual)

The proposed SEC rule change (SR-NYSE-2023-09} to create Natural Asset Companies is nothing but the ultimate power grab and is absolutely a horrible idea. NACs will rob everyone their personal freedom, end personal property ownership, and will demote all of us to the status of serfs, and might I say slaves. It is clearly a grab for power by green elitists and the political left. What is most ironic is that the need for NACs is clearly stated to be mankind's contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere. Yes, it's that overwhelming "Global Warming" excuse used again. CO2 caused global warming is refuted by many, and I might say most knowledgeable scientists. This even includes a 40 year study performed by NASA. Thís truthful message has to be communicated to everyone. This will be an uphill battle since the left and our government have used CO2 caused global warming as a way to gain control and power for the last 20 years. But it must be done.