Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Greg Tracy

This rule should not be adopted. It is dangerous to cede power and control over our national assets to for-profit entities and investors for the following reasons: Proposed Rule Authorizes Federal Lands, Including National Parks, to be Enrolled into NACs. Proposed Rule Gives “Management Authority” to the NAC. The Biden Administration is Preparing to Enroll the Federal Lands into NACs. Proposed Rule Invites Foreign Interests to Invest in an NAC. Land Trusts can Enroll Conservation Easements without Landowner’s Permission. Exclusive Rights to Natural Processes will be Monetized and Assigned to NACs. Protection of the Resources is Prioritized over Human Flourishing. Our National Treasures should be for the enjoyment and use of the American people not precluded from use by Wall St. investors looking to make money by managing these assets for non-use.