Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: US Citizen Anonymous

Absolutely NO to NAC’s. This should never be allowed. Cubicle dwellers in cities & foreign countries with millions of $ should NEVER be allowed to make decisions regarding issues they have no knowledge, understanding of, or experience in. The best stewards of land, water, wildlife are already doing it. The documents reveal nothing more than a desire to CONTROL people, land, water, wildlife. The risk (or intended) consequences to our most profound rights..Private Property Rights is unacceptable. Our nations people DO NOT need or want to be told what to do or by under-handed means have their life’s work/livelihoods/property rights taken from them. No faith/trust whatsoever should be placed on anything like NACs. Years of falsely demonizing good competent landowners/managers/food producers must end. We must return to supporting and listening to the true stewards. Do not give higher consideration to comments from people with titles like PhD’s’, professor, biodiversity specialist, scientist! Those do not mean they are the best judges of anything.This ‘rule’ change should be Promptly dismissed with no further discussion.