Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Randon Lee Nottingham

I do not believe that fresh water resources are being consumed and polluted in our state. Water naturally replenishes itself iand our state efficiently, effectively and responsibly maintains its waters without additional governmental policies. I do not believe that agriculture is contributing to the loss of natural habitat and soil degradation. Our state properly maintains its lands for agriculture recreation and other activities without the need of further burdensome national policies. I do not believe that we need to introduce burdensome climate and nature focused indeces. Industries that focus on state-driven needs rather than nature-driven needs best benifit the people and resources of a given land. We do not need global bodiversity financing-gap measures what we need are state-riven biodiversity measures that better benifit the people of a given state, not measures adopted by a global or Deleware driven agenda.