Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Rhonda Bennett

I learned about the opportunity to comment on the SEC's rule to create Natural Asset Companies through Congress Woman Harriet Hageman's email newsletter. The concept behind this rule is diametrically opposed to the concept of the Constitutional Republic which was the basis for the founding of this country. We have wandered from these origins in many and assorted ways. Wyoming public and private lands and those of other states where this rule may be applied are the life and livelihood of the people who reside there. The freedom to live and thrive on the land that naturally provides an abundance of resources for the very individuals who also exercise good stewardship over them is basic to the concept of a free people. These lands carry a long standing heritage where good stewardship results from the passing of the baton from one generation to the next. The economy thrives when both public and private lands are available for use to those who also have a concern that they last from generation to generation. The idea behind the SEC's rule does not provide for the usage of the land as nature has equipped it nor the care which is more apt to be present in those whose lives are enriched and supported by its many resources. The concept of ceasing to have these lands available for use by and for those who reside on them in order to make them available for "ownership" or financial gain and control by foreign entities invites disaster for many. It is unnecessary for the health and well being of both the lands and the people who live on them and, I might add, for the well being of the would be foreign investor seeking personal gain at the expense of others.