Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Carrie. Moeller

This sounds like another land grab for the elites and corporations. Also, why would anyone in their right mind want to include foreign investors to have control of U S lands and how they are to be used. This seems to open the U S economy to all kinds of nefarious operations by countries antagonistic to the U S. The intentions may seem on the surface may to be good. However, why the haste in implementing this rule. Could it be that the group proposing this rule does understand it's implications and doesn't want it to be scrutinized too closely? I also think that any government held lands should be EXCLUDED from the proposed rule since these lands are set aside for use by ALL US citizens and not just a few corporate entities. I believe this rule change would not be in the best interest of either the United States or it's citizens.