Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Connie Alter

I, as an American citizen cannot comprehend the thought that our government would confiscate our lands. Lands that have been bought by hard working Americans, who have lived and worked these lands, raised families, real hard working Americans. Lands that are both public and private,and consider selling them period. Whether it be on the New York Stock Exchange or any other manner. The fact that its not just private land but our National Parks and all our natural resources are being sold. What will become of us as a country? What of our beloved family vacations to Yellowstone? Teton national park? We are suppose to be preserving this land, now we are selling it to the highest bidder so they can pave over it to make room for more nuclear power plants? Shopping malls? 15 minute city's are all our president wants and we are destroying everything to make it happen. The fact that anyone not an American can purchase our land is disgusting. Americans need to stand up and fight for our land. Foreign countries, foreign entities, foreigners should not be allowed to own what belongs to Americans. America is ours, we need to fight for it. So stand up and FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS