Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Ralph and Anne Borgeling

It has come to our attention that the SEC is attempting to set up a new type of entity the Natural Assets Company. These companies could manage land both public and private to be permanently removed from productive use in the name of solving climate change. These lands could be publicly owned land or privately owned land by foreign entities inside the United States. Foreign entities that might not have our best interests at heart. Living in Indiana in the middle of farm country, we can only see this as a threat to the ability of farmers to raise crops and animals. Especially in the west of the United States this could remove large amounts of land that are publicly owned but used by farmers and ranchers for crops and animals from use by said farmers and ranchers. Do not move forward on this new designation on the stock exchange. It is a threat not only to our farmers and ranchers but to the great ability our country has traditionally had to feed not only Americans but those around the world. What are we "saving" the world from if we starving the very people who live in it.? Sincerely, Ralph and Anne Borgeling