Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: John Igoe

Dear Sir / Madam: I am strongly opposed to the creation of Natural Asset Companies (NACs). NACs will result in less freedom and liberty for business owners, landowners and homeowners. Owners will be restricted by NACs to a great extent not seen prior by any governmental agency. For example, the NACs will restrict oil and gas exploration and production which will cripple our economy and way of life. Below is an excerpt from the proposed rule: “The NAC will be prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in unsustainable activities. These are defined as activities that cause any material adverse impact on the condition of the natural assets under its control, and that extract resources without replenishing them (including, but not limited to, traditional fossil fuel development, mining, unsustainable logging, or perpetuating industrial agriculture). The NAC will be prohibited from using its funds to finance such unsustainable activities.” (Fed. Reg. Vol. 88, No. 191, 10/4/2023, page 68814). Every activity conducted by man will be deemed unsustainable and therefore prohibited by the NACs. This is clearly illegal and unconstitutional.